Friday, February 29, 2008

Kelt's Cross

(article written 1996 hot his mags)

Kelts Cross Zeejay is a born star. All dressed up most of the time, screaming in front of an audience. She always carries herself with grace, a pleasant self ease and conviction that allows her to slip into any guise is the most natural thong in the world.

Kelts Cross as you're aware is among the batch thats long been on the indie scene watchers list of bands thats predicted to become huge and given the wide acclaim they've gain through constant live appearances thats seeing of some pretty accurate prediction. Kelts Cross are Zeejay, Pam, Jeng, and Shiels, all school girls enrolled at various reputable learning institutions. Between them, they play guitars, bass drums at a decidedly furious manner. Think of their influences like Silverfish, Sonicfish, Sonic Youth, Babes in Toyland at their loudest and you get a quick impression of their sound.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


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Ciudad is a Filipino rock band which started in 1994 when 13-14 year-old sophomore high school classmates Mikey, Jeff, Justin and Mitch grouped together to make a song for their Social Studies homework. Having lots of songs written after that project, the group decided to continue the band and went on to infiltrate the underground rock scene in Manila with their happy bubblegum rock with seemingly nonsensical lyrics. Ciudad got their break in 2000 when they released their first album "Hello! How Are You, Mico the Happy Bear?" under BMG Records which spawned the singles "Sipilyo," "Radio Guy," and "With Me."

In 2002, the boys decided to go independent and bought their own recording equipment to track and mix their second record. The album "Is That Ciudad? Yes, Son, It’s Me" was released in 2003 and earned them nods from critics and music-lovers all around. The album revealed a different, more-mature, and less-saccharine-happy side to Ciudad with tender and heartrending melodies like "Dance Lessons," "Make It Slow," and "Dessie Belle." However, the band didn’t abandon their tongue-in-cheek catchy pop sensibilities with songs like "Monica (Karl's Fantasy)," "Mascot (Justin's Revenge)," and "The Herb."

In 2005, the band released their 3rd album "Its Like a Magic" which is a collection of old songs they wrote around 1994-1998 before they went on to write and record those released in the first album. The album featured the crowd favorites “Fixing The Radio,” “Benny And Betty,” and “Cool Nerds.”

The band just finished work on their 4th record. Entitled ”Bring Your Friends," it is the band’s most mature work to date. Having found their love for beautiful/sad songs, the boys of Ciudad have put out a collection of songs about the hardships of long-distance relationships, the frustrations of the wait for a loved one, damage-controlling a failed love, and the sometimes-unavoidable need for space. Although they have nearly abandoned their happy-happy-joy-joy way of writing songs, Ciudad still hasn’t lost it’s touch for catchy melodies - they are still as sweet as ever. But this time around, their lyrics seem to make sense.

Mikey Amistoso - vocals, bass, piano
Justin Sunico - guitar, vocals
Mitch Singson - drums
Jeff Cabal - guitar, vocals
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free stuff

New Ciudad video, directed by Wincy Ong,... for the song "Friday Noon" off the upcoming album "Bring Your Friends."

"Fixing the Radio" from "Its Like A Magic," directed by Ciudad.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


You Must Have Been A Beautiful Something, What Are You Really? by Boldstar

Despite the economic slowdown in this country and the doldrums that the local music scene finds itself mired in, there remain a small number of courageous musicians who go against the grain, stubborn people who do their utmost to put their music across no matter what the limitations are. Case in point is the band Boldstar. They have recorded their debut album, the eccentrically titled “You Must Have Been A Beautiful Something, What Are You Really?” without major label support and are at present peddling the 19-track CD sans record shop distribution. This brave unit is composed of ex-Blast Ople Marie Jamora on vocals and drums, Itchyworm Jazz Nocholas on vocals and bass, guitarist Echo Singson, and Ciudad’s Justin Sunico on lead guitar. The foursome’s, er, boldness isn’t just some unsubstantiated case of over-confidence. They are sufficiently backed up by excellent tracks! It’s remarkable that the song writing and arrangement are reflective of certain maturity typical of a veteran group. They belie the fact that Boldstar is a very young band, formed around three years ago. The tunes lay bare influences from the ’60s rock-pop of The Beatles, which is of no surprise since Nicholas is from the Fab Four-permeated Itchyworms, ’90s indie artists like Bis, Juliana Hatfield, and even Pinoy rock heroes Eraserheads. Incidentally, Ehead Buddy Zabala produces the album with a couple of tracks done by fellow Ehead/Sandwich statesman/Squid 9’s alter ego Raimund Marasigan. Aside from ransacking the producers’ bedrooms for recording, true to the D.I.Y. aesthetic, Boldstar also trooped to indie-friendly Sound Creation headed by affable engineer Shinji Tanaka.

The 19 songs are so catchy they reverberate around your head long after the final track has played. The usual muddiness of independently produced music is nowhere to be found, a considerable achievement for both band and producers. The vernacular “walang tapon” is the suitable description for the whole album. Discover the wonders of technology and cosmetic surgery with “Betamax” and “Something About Twins And Surgery” respectively, the pop-perfection of “Accident Prone” with its charming bursts of distortion, the bittersweet “Anchor,” alien life in “Salidious,” experiments with spoons and indigenous-Beach Boy (intrigued yet?) ululations in “Condiment Symphony,” and toilet humor in “Pork Siomai” a song that would make Parokya Ni Edgar or even VST proud. Citing what to expect from the album with those six songs isn’t even half of how awesome the whole journey is. These pop gems from Boldstar are effortlessly breathing life into an otherwise decomposing corpse that is the Philippine music scene.

This wonderful collection of songs, which the members have tagged as a “double-album” (get the album and find out for yourself why), is one more massive middle finger pointed at the oft-clueless, musically-deadened major labels. The band set out courageously to do it their way, no compromises, no kowtowing. Another admirable triumph for the local indie scene that we all should prop-up!

(Get your copy for only 199Php by contacting +63918-528-4426, +63917-536-2541, and +63917-345-6692)

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Mighty Man And Yuk

Ignore Us Please!

Spring Botique


A very OBSCURE but WONDERFUL indiepop group from Manila, Philippines (for sure this is the first time you've encountered the band) that plays happy and carefree pop tunes that will make you head-bopping in no time! But Please, give them a chance! If you like the music of Acid House Kings, early Club 8, Red Sleeping Beauty, early Cardigans or St. Etienne, you'll gonna love this pop group! Their debut LP "Sunny Day Pop Tuesday" is already released by Quince Records in Japan and also being distributed to different parts of the World. Be sure to check their site ( for more details. They also released a cd-r EP on Shelflife Records ( in the US. For more info, log on to or join the boring mailing list at or get in touch with Antz through his Friendster account

Anthony Agarpao[guitars]
Precious Agarpao [guitars]
Lorelie Landavora[vocals]
Basil James Silva[drums]
Caleb Domingo[bass]
Buy The Album
Friendster Account

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Sonnet LVIII

Sonnet 58

Inspired by Ride, Chapterhouse, The Jesus And Mary Chain, Adorable and My Bloody Valentine, childhood friends Dale, Rhon and Elmer formed Sonnet LVIII (or Sonnet 58) in 1992. Rhon's brother Romel and his friend Gonzalo joined in a couple of months later. They hung out in Rhon's living room and wrote songs incessantly, most of which were about their daydreams and reveries. In the following years, Sonnet LVIII played numerous clubs around Metro Manila including Club Dredd, Mayric's, Café Romeo and Music Museum and was an integral part of the famed Awakenings and No Zone scenes. In 1996, Sonnet LVIII went into the studio to record a handful of songs which they hoped would be released soonafter. But this wasn't meant to be. So the band continued to trudge along as they tried to look for a record label who would release their music. In 2000, Sonnet LVIII got tired looking for a label and decided to release a 200-copy, sticker-labeled, self-produced four-song CD-EP called "Treasure Heaven". The song, and the EP, created quite a buzz in the Manila music scene. "Treasure Heaven" got decent airplay from local radio station NU107, the CD-EP was sold out, and the band won the Best Unsigned Artist award from the NU107 Rock Awards. That same year, a live version of "A Perfect Day" was included in the Documento Records compilation "Uno Documento Compilo". 2003 saw the inclusion of "A Perfect Day" in the compilation Dashboard Teddy version 1.0 from Manila's Dorothy Records.

Band Members:
Gonz Alfonso, Rhon Cajayon, Dale Marquez, Romel Cajayon, Elmer Macaraig



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Populardays' kind of music was indiepop, shoegaze in nature, a type of music which employs the use of some blithe and fondness which sometimes referred to as Twee and sometimes utilize the contrivance of discord and enmity which expressed the angst inside.

Erick - Vox and Guitars
Charles - Vox and Guitars
Ian - Bass Guitar
Jann Paul - Drums

Monday, February 25, 2008

Ethnic Faces' Dekada

Launch of Ethnic Faces' Dekada CD (Octo-Arts EMI).Cafe Romeo, 1996. Also launched that night were albums by Put 3 Ska, Death By Stereo & Snakebite Religion.

Ethnic Faces ..Where are they now?

(from an issue of pulp magazine i dont know who wrote this article and when was it publish)
Wher are they now?Not a lot pf people have heard of ETHNIC FACES , But
there a few who still remeber the quirky single " Para bang Bowling,"and
"Golden Boy"

Ethnic FAces wasa an offshoot of two very bands - Ocean Zoo and Lost Boys- in the misdts of the bludgeoing punk scene of the early 80's. Playing new wave before anyone else ever did in concert right after frentic sets of punk bands Ethinic faces established its own set of followers. They were also the only foolish enough to play originals even when nobosys ever heard of them before. Live lead singer Jack Sikat had been the perfect front man - painting his face, bringing a gong on stage , slammiong with guitar player on stageand wearing his trademark salakot. the bands essence was a heavy mix of thier new wave interest, Pinoy humor and political activism. their contemporaries include Ironic Trauma (founded by Teddy Diaz before he did the DAWN), College, led by Arnold Morales (who later formed Put3Ska), identity Crisis, Deans December ( led by Binky Lamapano) and other who got air play at XB 102.7 But there are people who only got who simply refuse to acknowledge

Ethnic Faces conttribution to the music scnece conviently leaving them out of any historical accounts of Pinoy Music Still Ethnic Faces song are featured in various compilation album like BRave new world - live from 1984(love and within tribes )1986 subterreanea romance vol. 1 (with original version of Golden Boy ) 10 of another kind from 1989 ( balik BAyan and another version of golden Boy) Dear Cory 1990 ( Brutal Scars) and LA Rock in 1995 (Parang Bowling)
Later the famed indie producer (and now LA 105 exec) Ed Formoso approaced them to record a full lenght album for the first time in years. The result DEKADA in 1995. Manny Pagsuyuin also a formerly with Ironic Trauma and nopw a DJ (jummy jam to DWLS-FM 97.1 listeners)
wrote in the album liners notes "The FAces were alternative long before it was called as such"
the FAces "comeback album of sorts showed the musicians side in theit topmost form as there influences broadened with age leaning toward soul and acid jazz long before people started hailing the arival of "retro fever"epetuated by silly covers bands. Philippine based American journalist DAvid Gonzales praised the band musicianship in his review ppublished at the MaNIla Times facinated that a local band could be this adventurous ((suicidal I would say) He even noted the superb horn arragement mistaking it for the work of actual horn section ( he was shoeked to find that the sound was coaxed out of the sound module as arranged by the band keyboardist)The problem was Jack heart wasnt in it any more. After years of playing and contributing to compilation for him the magic was gone and this was just one of the things that had to be done. It was unfortunate because these people are talented musicians who are in some way still respected by ther peers even as younger musicians remain clueless.

Ethinic faces was gone as soon asa they had come back they've paid for stubbornly refusing to igve in to the pre sures of maintream appleal...and for always being way aahead of their time.

So where are they now? BAss player RHANY TORRES known for his frettless bass now plays for brownbeat allstar and produces its self titled debut album; original guitarist BOYET MIGUEL still plays for tame the tikbalang and is a partner in a graphic design and recording studio buisness; drummer JAYVEE TORRES and guitarist ARIEL POLICARPIO (who replaced Boyet) are now with Color it Red. keybopardist ED RAMOS has quitely pursued the less complicated life of a musical arranger. Left unaccounted for was originall Drummer BHOJIE GABRIEL and vocalist JACK SIKAT whos said to be either a PE instructor in his alma matter ST. Josehp College running his dad security agency or in a drug rehab.....

Squid 9

A hip-hop influenced band, Squid 9 solo project of Ex Eraserhead Raimund Marasigan started out as a studio act, formed from members of the Eraserheads, Monsterbot and Sun Valley Crew among others. It was soon performing live shows as well. Squid 9 released three albums: "Deleted Scenes", "Kraken Modular" and "Ink Jet". Squid 9 is also part of Electronica Manila and often collaborates with Wolfmann+. Squid9 Live is composed of Raimund Marasigan on samplers, drum machine and Chaos Pad), Vin Dancel (Twisted Halo) and Kathy Meneses (Daydreamcycle) on vocals, Buddy Zabala (The Dawn, Twisted Halo & Cambio) on bass, keyboards and samplers and Rann Golamco (Drip, Porta, and formerly of MOJOFLY) on guitars. Marasigan calls his home studio "The Squid Crib".

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Saturday, February 23, 2008

Bad Days For Mary!

I know a band way way ago during the 90's scene and i regretfully don't forgive my self haven't brought any cassettes or CD. I didn't quit recall there sound because it wasn't played that much during that days. Now I'm giving you an article from a magazine or should i say songhits mags.

Hothits Song Magazine
Issue No. 143
Article Title: "Bad Days For Mary Are Going!
Author : Gwen D.

Some fellas actually believe that BAD DAYS FOR MARY is a death metal band. And the whole bunch breaks out loud guffaws.
To tune you in, let me introduce you first to Marry. Yep it may be she. The woman in the holy book. It may be any ordinary woman. Or a man. And the possibilities of her or it or him having bad days is far from zero. Mary maybe you or me. There goes the WHY BDFM tune.
Good days.
Let me introduce you to the band. Ixan Subido is the lead guitarist. Georgelyn Francisco is the bass player Mad Abril keyboadist, BJ Cabaluna, rhythm guitars, Irvin Paras, drummer and Camille Oro, the vox. As of this writing, the band is about to sign up with a major record company. They had 4AD in mind as first choice but most of true. So, they decided to settle for a second best. Enough with the crap that we ordinary folks do not settle for a second best. As Mad would put it, "We will never be rock stars. We belong to the mass."
His and her story.
Ixan is a foundation of melodies and words. Knows wh? 'Coz she's always involved with love. Either wvery "in" or just come "out." All the time. But one day, she became so bored with her routine she started writing to her favorite songhiys (not Jingle) and asked "Are you sick and tired of being a face a crowd?" This spawned one of the bands piece "Face In A Crowd".

And it came to pass that George and "cool," so the guys met. BJ, the column editor in that songhits later joined them. And the original vocalist Jhoi Solano soon follwed. Back then, Ixan hit the skin and tins.
And here comes another theory as to how Bad Days For Mary came to existence: Their first rehearsal - March 17, 1990 - was such a drag, one of them whose real name is Mary, thought: what a bad day for me! Or something to that effect. Their first cover song something to that effect. And their first original is I Have a Boyfriend penned by Ixan. They did Suzanne Vega, Sinead O' Conor and later 10,000 Manics. Their first gig was at UP Diliman campus. Then Mayrics, then one after another half.
1992 proved to be dominated by bad days as Jhoi said her bye. Additional dilemma came when Ican finally decided to play lead guitar. Scene scribe friend Sigfried came to the rescue with Irvin in tow. You didn't expect Ixan to just sit and stare. She placed a Vocalist Wanted ad in Buy and Sell. And one fateful day in October 1994, Camille walked in the lives of Ixan, George, BJ, Mad and Irvin. It was not the end of the story and this is no fairy tale, so they did not live happily ever after. In fact, they just kept on playing their music until it became fine and sexy they called it bubblegum pop
The treat.
The album called " Lets Talked Of More Pleasant Things." What makes this extra sweet is Camille's voice plus the simplicity of the melodic accompaniment. What makes it bitting and better than other local release is the song talk of Mind Over Matter, also a cut in the album. The song are about real people that get hurt, then give up. People who eat donut in bed. Yep, thats another one if the cuts--Donuts In Bed--I ate donuts in my bed ants bit my lips, pain struck my heart.
Then theres the poignant I Have a Boy Friend -- and has a girl friend. But it doesn't matter, as long as we're together.
The Nu107 favorite Violet that celebrates the death if an unrequited love.
Teach me not to love you
Teach me not to care.
So I wont cry...another song goes. And then another goes...
I told you once I wish my heart was made of stone...
You did the right thing, darling...
One last message for you fellas, catch the band before they begin to look like celebrities.

Thats how the article ended!But after more than a decade they all suddenly forgotten where are they now? Ill post more articles and there music in the future you just wait...

Album Name : Lets Talk Of More Pleasant Things
Artist: Bad Days For Mary
Track List:
1. Mind Over Matter
2. Violer
3. Piranhas Eating My Brain
4. Split Milk
5. I Have A Boyfriend
6. Wishing Stars
7. Donuts In My Bed
8. I'm In Love
9. Kwentong Roces
10. You Did The Right Thing
11. Face In The Crowd